TattooAppointment Related Questions:How do I book an appointment?
Will you tattoo my face, hands, or neck? These tattoos can ruin job opportunities for some people. This is a decision that is up to the artist on whether or not they will do this for you to find out set up a consultation with your artist.
Can I workout with a brand new tattoo? As long as you are not causing strain on the area that has fresh ink, you’re fine. For example, if your thigh has recently had work done to it skip leg day for a minute and focus on the upper body. Adding too much onto a healing tattoo can affect the way it heals.
Can I go swimming with a fresh tattoo? No, this can cause complications with the healing process. Even though our saniderm is waterproof, it’s best to avoid submerging it into water.
Can I use “___” on my tattoo? Please only use what is directed in our aftercare form. If you are unsure of what products are okay, contact your artist.
Tattoo Aftercare:
How to care for your tattoo: WASH your hands! REMOVE saniderm/tegaderm after the first 24 hours under warm water WASH your tattoo with unscented body wash PAT DRY with a clean towel or let air dry for 20 mins APPLY new layer of saniderm/tegaderm with CLEAN hands, if someone is helping you make sure their hands are clean! LEAVE this new layer on for 5 days. APPLY unscented dye free lotion AFTER the 5 days is over. Remove the saniderm following the same steps. Use a SMALL amount.
Things to know:Blood and ink pooling up in the saniderm is normal, this is just the tattoo going through the healing process let it run it’s course DO NOT apply the saniderm with unclean hands, the saniderm is a protective barrier to keep out Blood Bourne Pathogens, Bacteria, etc. Applying with unclean hands is just trapping bacteria under this “second skin” that you are applying DO NOT submerge in water. Though saniderm is waterproof for shower use, do not go swimming or take a bath with it. DO NOT apply any ointments till AFTER you remove the second saniderm after the 5 days is over. KEEP AWAY from directly sunlight on your fresh tattooIf the second layer comes off before the 5 days is over due to excessive sweating or hard labor you can contact us for further instructions
How to make it heal “faster”:It’s not a secret, there’s no magic trick to making your tattoo heal faster except the obvious. The better you care for your body, the easier the healing process will be. Eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep helps give your body the “magic” it needs to supply nutrients to the healing “wound”.
- Phone: 517-459-6666
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @cloverland_tattoo_club
- Yes, deposits are required to book an appointment.
Will you tattoo my face, hands, or neck? These tattoos can ruin job opportunities for some people. This is a decision that is up to the artist on whether or not they will do this for you to find out set up a consultation with your artist.
Can I workout with a brand new tattoo? As long as you are not causing strain on the area that has fresh ink, you’re fine. For example, if your thigh has recently had work done to it skip leg day for a minute and focus on the upper body. Adding too much onto a healing tattoo can affect the way it heals.
Can I go swimming with a fresh tattoo? No, this can cause complications with the healing process. Even though our saniderm is waterproof, it’s best to avoid submerging it into water.
Can I use “___” on my tattoo? Please only use what is directed in our aftercare form. If you are unsure of what products are okay, contact your artist.
Tattoo Aftercare:
- Unscented Body Wash Saniderm Unscented Dye Free Lotion
How to care for your tattoo: WASH your hands! REMOVE saniderm/tegaderm after the first 24 hours under warm water WASH your tattoo with unscented body wash PAT DRY with a clean towel or let air dry for 20 mins APPLY new layer of saniderm/tegaderm with CLEAN hands, if someone is helping you make sure their hands are clean! LEAVE this new layer on for 5 days. APPLY unscented dye free lotion AFTER the 5 days is over. Remove the saniderm following the same steps. Use a SMALL amount.
Things to know:Blood and ink pooling up in the saniderm is normal, this is just the tattoo going through the healing process let it run it’s course DO NOT apply the saniderm with unclean hands, the saniderm is a protective barrier to keep out Blood Bourne Pathogens, Bacteria, etc. Applying with unclean hands is just trapping bacteria under this “second skin” that you are applying DO NOT submerge in water. Though saniderm is waterproof for shower use, do not go swimming or take a bath with it. DO NOT apply any ointments till AFTER you remove the second saniderm after the 5 days is over. KEEP AWAY from directly sunlight on your fresh tattooIf the second layer comes off before the 5 days is over due to excessive sweating or hard labor you can contact us for further instructions
How to make it heal “faster”:It’s not a secret, there’s no magic trick to making your tattoo heal faster except the obvious. The better you care for your body, the easier the healing process will be. Eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep helps give your body the “magic” it needs to supply nutrients to the healing “wound”.
- How young will you tattoo a minor?
- ID for Legal GuardianPhoto ID for Minor (Yearbook photo, School ID, Passport, Etc) Birth Certificate / Guardianship papers
What forms of Photo ID are NOT accepted? Forms of Identification for child that are not accepted are:
- Picture from family photo album Library Cards Social Media Profile Pictures If the photo identification is not issued by the state or school, it cannot be used. If you are unsure if the photo ID for the child will work or not, please send us a photo message on our Facebook or Instagram page.
Can I still get the tattoo without a photo ID or Birth Certificate? No, in order to keep our business license we must be able to provide proof that you are who you say you are. That your legal guardian is who they say they are. Many people like to lie that they are the parent or that the child is their own. This can cause lots of problems. That’s why we need BOTH forms of ID along with a Birth Certificate.
My Parent/Legal Guardian can’t make it, can they send a picture or talk to you on the phone to give consent? No, the person who has guardianship over you must be present for the appointment to give their verbal and written consent. They cannot sign a note for you to give us. They must be present during the appointment to sign our forms.
What if I’m emancipated? If you are emancipated you must have documents to prove it along with a State ID. Even if you are Emancipated, the tattoo artist can still refuse to tattoo certain areas till you are of legal age.
Can I get a tattoo on my forearm? Until you are 18, we will not tattoo any visible areas such as your hands, forearm, face, and neck since this can hinder job opportunities.
What other areas as a minor can I not get a tattoo? Any area that is considered an “intimate” spot we will not tattoo next to or on. (Ex. Inner thigh, under chest, sternum, etc)
Can I still get a tattoo if I have psoriasis?Yes and no, psoriasis is an inflammatory reaction to trauma on the body. Tattoos count as trauma. You cannot get a tattoo directly on an area that has it. However, you may be able to get one in an area that far from the “break out” areas. It’s best to see a doctor first and make sure you are not at risk of having a flare up.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Vitiligo? Once again, this condition can cause new patches to form from tattoos since tattoos cause trauma to the skin. We recommend you see a doctor first to make sure it’s not active. If you are cleared it’s best to get one as far away from the area as possible and keep in mind that it’s still possible for a new patch to form. It’s best to start small.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Eczema? Yes! However, we still recommend seeing a doctor first before making an appointment since there are still risks if your eczema is currently active when you get a tattoo.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Diabetes?It’s best to stay away from below the waist line when it comes to getting tattoos when diabetic since poor circulation can be an issue. It’s best to see a doctor beforehand to make sure your A1C levels are “controlled”.
Can I get a tattoo if I have a sunburn?No, sunburn or recently tanned skin has been damaged and is already irritated from the sun. This can cause excessive bleeding which will end up watering down your tattoo. Please take care of yourself and reschedule if you have recently gotten a sunburn.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Poison Ivy, Ringworm, etc? No, not only are you putting the artist at risk but also yourself. When you have poison ivy for example, the oils in the plant has been released into your skin and bloodstream. Which means for example if you have the rash on your leg and get a tattoo on your arm it can make things worse. Please take proper care of yourself by seeing a doctor and making sure it’s cleared up before coming in for an appointment.
Can you tattoo over my mole? No, tattoos must be done around these. They do not absorb ink the same way that skin does since they are clusters of melanin in the skin.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Vitiligo? Once again, this condition can cause new patches to form from tattoos since tattoos cause trauma to the skin. We recommend you see a doctor first to make sure it’s not active. If you are cleared it’s best to get one as far away from the area as possible and keep in mind that it’s still possible for a new patch to form. It’s best to start small.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Eczema? Yes! However, we still recommend seeing a doctor first before making an appointment since there are still risks if your eczema is currently active when you get a tattoo.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Diabetes?It’s best to stay away from below the waist line when it comes to getting tattoos when diabetic since poor circulation can be an issue. It’s best to see a doctor beforehand to make sure your A1C levels are “controlled”.
Can I get a tattoo if I have a sunburn?No, sunburn or recently tanned skin has been damaged and is already irritated from the sun. This can cause excessive bleeding which will end up watering down your tattoo. Please take care of yourself and reschedule if you have recently gotten a sunburn.
Can I still get a tattoo if I have Poison Ivy, Ringworm, etc? No, not only are you putting the artist at risk but also yourself. When you have poison ivy for example, the oils in the plant has been released into your skin and bloodstream. Which means for example if you have the rash on your leg and get a tattoo on your arm it can make things worse. Please take proper care of yourself by seeing a doctor and making sure it’s cleared up before coming in for an appointment.
Can you tattoo over my mole? No, tattoos must be done around these. They do not absorb ink the same way that skin does since they are clusters of melanin in the skin.
What you will need: Use only ONE of the following, using all is over cleaning and can irritate your piercing: Sterile Saline (Ex. H20 Spray, Steri Wash, Neilmed) Unscented Mild Soap, (Ex. Dove, Aveeno, etc) avoid harsh soaps with dyes or triclosin. (Ex. Avoid Dial, it contains triclosin) DO NOT REMOVE JEWELRY.
For Oral Piercings you will need: Antibacterial or Antimicrobial Alcohol Free Mouthwash, if your mouthwash contains alcohol dilute it by mixing half with water. Alcohol can cause thrush, thrush is like a yeast infection in the mouth. DO NOT USE FULL STRENGTH ALCOHOL MOUTHWASH.
Cleaning Your Piercing: Step 1: Wash your hands before touching your piercing. Step 2: Apply Saline or Unscented Soap to piercing using a clean gauze or Q-tip. Step 3: Rinse your piercing, DO NOT twist or rotate your jewelry. This will only irritate it. Step 4: Pat dry with paper towel or let air dry Step 5: Repeat this process 3-4 times a day
Things to Avoid: DO NOT pick at "crusties" on your piercing. This is a good sign that your piercing is healing. Let it do it's thing! DO NOT use any solutions such as Hydrogen Peroxide, Bactine, Alcohol, etc. These will only slow down the healing and cause more harm in the long run. DO NOT play with your fresh piercing. No twisting, no moving it around DO NOT use unsterile sea salt home mixes on your piercing. This contains bacteria and will irritate your piercing. DO NOT sleep on your piercing, this can cause it to heal at an angle and possibly migration AVOID getting make up, face washes, acne wash, etc near the piercing. If you wear foundation blend AWAY from the piercing. DO NOT submerge your fresh piercing in water. No baths or swimming until piercing is healed. DO NOT change your jewelry out before the change out date. Even if your piercing feels "ready" there is a reason we tell you to wait till a certain date. Unless there is an emergency you should NOT change it out early.
Oral Aftercare Instructions:
Lip Piercings:Step 1: Follow the steps above for the OUTSIDE of your lip. Step 2: Use Mouthwash 3 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and before bed.
Tongue Piercings: Use Mouthwash 3 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and before bed. Rinse for 30-60 seconds, use a timer if needed to help you. Also remember to keep up on daily oral hygiene in general. Do not over clean, overcleaning can cause irritation and discoloration.
Things To Avoid With Oral Piercings: DO NOT play with your piercing. Playing with it can not only irritate it, but cause more swelling. It can also get caught or cause damage to your teeth. Avoid Oral Sexual Contact, this is not just including oral sex. This also means no kissing, your partner has bacteria that can irritate your piercing during the healing process. Avoid smoking, it can cause irritation and delay the healingAvoid spicy, salty, or acidic foods When eating try to stick with foods that you feel are comfortable to eat. Everyone heals differently, some people leave and have no discomfort while others do. Bigger bites can cause more swelling. Cold and soft foods/drinks will be much easier to eat. Avoid foods with seeds since they can get in the piercing. PLEASE remember to schedule an appointment to downsize your jewelry when the time comes. Waiting too long can cause issues with the piercing. From chipping your teeth on the bar when it's too long, to the piercing angle being affected by the weight of the long post. See section "Healing Times" to learn more. How To Help Your Piercing Heal FasterIt’s not a big secret, the key is taking good care of your body. Just like when you are sick, your body needs nutrients to heal properly. Eating well, exercise, and getting plenty of sleep helps give your body the “magic” it needs to heal faster!
For Oral Piercings you will need: Antibacterial or Antimicrobial Alcohol Free Mouthwash, if your mouthwash contains alcohol dilute it by mixing half with water. Alcohol can cause thrush, thrush is like a yeast infection in the mouth. DO NOT USE FULL STRENGTH ALCOHOL MOUTHWASH.
Cleaning Your Piercing: Step 1: Wash your hands before touching your piercing. Step 2: Apply Saline or Unscented Soap to piercing using a clean gauze or Q-tip. Step 3: Rinse your piercing, DO NOT twist or rotate your jewelry. This will only irritate it. Step 4: Pat dry with paper towel or let air dry Step 5: Repeat this process 3-4 times a day
Things to Avoid: DO NOT pick at "crusties" on your piercing. This is a good sign that your piercing is healing. Let it do it's thing! DO NOT use any solutions such as Hydrogen Peroxide, Bactine, Alcohol, etc. These will only slow down the healing and cause more harm in the long run. DO NOT play with your fresh piercing. No twisting, no moving it around DO NOT use unsterile sea salt home mixes on your piercing. This contains bacteria and will irritate your piercing. DO NOT sleep on your piercing, this can cause it to heal at an angle and possibly migration AVOID getting make up, face washes, acne wash, etc near the piercing. If you wear foundation blend AWAY from the piercing. DO NOT submerge your fresh piercing in water. No baths or swimming until piercing is healed. DO NOT change your jewelry out before the change out date. Even if your piercing feels "ready" there is a reason we tell you to wait till a certain date. Unless there is an emergency you should NOT change it out early.
Oral Aftercare Instructions:
Lip Piercings:Step 1: Follow the steps above for the OUTSIDE of your lip. Step 2: Use Mouthwash 3 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and before bed.
Tongue Piercings: Use Mouthwash 3 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and before bed. Rinse for 30-60 seconds, use a timer if needed to help you. Also remember to keep up on daily oral hygiene in general. Do not over clean, overcleaning can cause irritation and discoloration.
Things To Avoid With Oral Piercings: DO NOT play with your piercing. Playing with it can not only irritate it, but cause more swelling. It can also get caught or cause damage to your teeth. Avoid Oral Sexual Contact, this is not just including oral sex. This also means no kissing, your partner has bacteria that can irritate your piercing during the healing process. Avoid smoking, it can cause irritation and delay the healingAvoid spicy, salty, or acidic foods When eating try to stick with foods that you feel are comfortable to eat. Everyone heals differently, some people leave and have no discomfort while others do. Bigger bites can cause more swelling. Cold and soft foods/drinks will be much easier to eat. Avoid foods with seeds since they can get in the piercing. PLEASE remember to schedule an appointment to downsize your jewelry when the time comes. Waiting too long can cause issues with the piercing. From chipping your teeth on the bar when it's too long, to the piercing angle being affected by the weight of the long post. See section "Healing Times" to learn more. How To Help Your Piercing Heal FasterIt’s not a big secret, the key is taking good care of your body. Just like when you are sick, your body needs nutrients to heal properly. Eating well, exercise, and getting plenty of sleep helps give your body the “magic” it needs to heal faster!
What do I need to bring with me if I’m a minor? We will need the following three forms of ID when you arrive for your appointment:
- ID for Legal Guardian Photo ID for Minor (Yearbook photo, School ID, Passport, Etc) Birth Certificate / Guardianship papers
What forms of Photo ID are NOT accepted? Forms of Identification for child that are not accepted are:Picture from family photo album Library Cards Social Media Profile Pictures If the photo identification is not issued by the state or school, it cannot be used. If you are unsure if the photo ID for the child will work or not, please send us a photo message on our Facebook or Instagram page.
Can I still get the piercing without a photo ID or Birth Certificate? No, in order to keep our business license we must be able to provide proof that you are who you say you are. That your legal guardian is who they say they are. Many people like to lie that they are the parent or that the child is their own. This can cause lots of problems. That’s why we need BOTH forms of ID along with Birth Certificate.
My Parent/Legal Guardian can’t make it, can they send a picture or talk to you on the phone to give consent? No, the person who has guardianship over you must be present for the appointment to give their verbal and written consent. They cannot sign a note for you to give us. They must be present during the appointment to sign our forms.
What if I’m emancipated? If you are emancipated you must have documents to prove it along with a State ID. Even if you are Emancipated, the piercer can still refuse to do certain services till you are the right age for the piercing.
- Pricing & Age limitations:
- How much are piercings?
- All piercings above the belt line are $35 each. This includes ALL facial piercings, ear piercings, Navel (belly button), and Nipple piercings. This includes Basic Jewelry in the price.
- How much are Genital Piercings?
- Genital Piercings are $80 each
- How much are Micro Dermal Anchors “Dermals” ?
- Micro Dermal Anchors are $60 each
- Do nipple piercings, lobes, Industrial, etc count as one piercing?
- No, they do not. They count as two. For example if you are getting both lobes pierced (“first, second, third holes”) this counts as TWO piercings because it is two holes being made which requires two separate needles to be used.
- How much is it for “two, three, etc” piercings? Will I get a deal if I get more than one piercing?
- Piercings are $35 each, so for two piercings 35 + 35 = $70 and so on. Deals vary on what the client is getting. If the client is getting four piercings, they might get a discount. The amount of the discount is up to the piercer if they will give one and how much the discount will be.
- Do you pierce infants?
- No, we do not pierce anyone under the age of four years old. The child must be old enough to understand what is going on and be able to give verbal consent to the Piercer. Infants and toddlers have the risk of pulling the jewelry out of their ears, getting an infection from tugging and playing with the healing piercing, and it’s uncomfortable to pierce someone without their verbal consent since the child does not understand at this age what is being done to them and why.
- How young will you pierce lobes?
- The youngest we will pierce lobes is four years old. Only if the child seems mature enough though. Normally it’s more common that we pierce lobes at five or six years old since sometimes the Piercer may determine that the child is not mature enough yet to take care of it.
- Who’s the Piercer to say if my child is mature enough yet to get their ears pierced? Why won’t you pierce their ears if they say “no”?
- The Piercer is their own person at the end of the day. Being an Individual contractor they have the right to refuse service if they believe the child would be a risk to themselves when it comes to aftercare, sitting through a piercing, etc. There have been times, where a child gets one lobe piercing and decides that it hurts too bad and doesn’t want to get a second lobe piercing. The Piercer is not going to force them to get a second one no matter what the parent says, because the child is the one saying no and our job is to respect our clients wishes.
What is the age limit for Facial Piercings? Nostrils- 13 years old, please keep in mind though that your child will still go through growth spurts. As their body grows, things can shift including their piercings. Lower and Upper Lip Piercings- 14-15Vertical Labret - 16 years old Inverted Vertical Labret: 18+Corner of the mouth “Dahlias”: 18+Tongue Piercings:18+ Eyebrow Piercings: 16+
What is the age limit for Navel “Belly Button” Piercings?Minor must be at least 13 years of age. This piercing is a bit more tricky since at this age the child still has a lot of growing to do. Depending on the child’s build, they may have to wait till they are at least 16 to reduce risk of the piercing migrating.
Why can’t a minor get their Tongue or Nipples pierced? It’s messed up we have to put this part in here, but sadly it is asked occasionally. These piercings are considered a sexual piercing. So obviously, that’s a hell no from us. Also, tongue piercings can cause dental damage.
How do I book an appointment?Phone: 517-459-6666 Facebook: Instagram: @cloverland_tattoo_club Do you require a deposit?Deposits are only required on multiple piercings, especially if you are booking far out. How much is a deposit? Deposits are half the price of the amount of piercings you are planning to get. How soon can I get an appointment? We are able to do same day appointments, unless a time that’s free doesn’t work for you than we can book you for another day. Can I make an appointment if I’m not sure if I can make it, but want to claim a spot in case I can? Piercers, just like Tattoo Artists are Individual Contractors. We do not get paid hourly, we work strictly off commission. We ask that you make sure the appointment you schedule will work for you because not only is it taking time away from another potential client. It is also taking money out of our pockets. Do you take walk-ins? At this time, we are still by appointment only. This form was created on January 18th, 2020. If you are unsure if we are still by appointment only, feel free to message us. Until MDHHS says otherwise, we are by appointment only. Can my friend come with me? Can my kids come with me? Due to COVID-19, we are asking our clients at this time to come alone. Unless you are a minor, then you will need your legal guardian present to sign the consent forms. However because we have a small room, your parent will need to stay in the lobby during your piercing. The legal guardian can view the room beforehand if it makes them more comfortable. If the minor is under the age of 10, we will allow one parent to go back with them to make sure the child will be able to sit still and pay attention. Please only bring your child if they are getting pierced, DO NOT bring your child with you for your piercing appointment. Can I bring my pet in for my appointment? Unfortunately we cannot have animals in the building, unless your dog is a PROFESSIONALLY trained service animal that will listen to the commands and stay still we will not allow them in with you. How do I prepare for my appointment?Make sure to come in well rested, showered, and eat something at least two hours before. Also drinking plenty of water before your appointment is recommended. I’m not a minor, what will I need for my appointment?Bring your ID and limit the amount of guests you bring to 1 person since we do have a small artist area. Do you take cash or card? Either is fine, although we do appreciate cash tips! Does your shop do “snake eye” piercings? No, we do not do snake eye piercings. Please take a moment to read the following on why. On this link there is also photos about why we don’t recommend getting them. Does your shop do “smiley” piercings? No, we do not. Smiley’s are known to have risk of rejection, break down tooth enamel, and cause gum recession. Does your shop do cheek piercings? No, we do not. Since this area has a high rejection rate and a lot of major veins run through that area. Does your shop pierce with guns or hollow needles? We pierce with hollow needles. We do not use piercing guns. Piercing guns can not be sterilized properly and are not made for one time use which puts clients at high risk for Blood Bourne Pathogens. Why did my Navel piercing reject? Everyone’s anatomy is different. Some people have anatomy that shouldn’t be pierced because it has a high rejection risk while others don’t. When you go to get your navel pierced your piercer should always do an anatomy check. Another reason these can reject is if they were not done properly if you had the right anatomy for one. Want to know more? Contact our shop today! Can you pierce the same spot I got done last time? Depending on why the piercing was removed before will determine if it can be repierced in the same spot or not. Contact our shop and give detailed information on what caused the removal. Why did my Bridge piercing reject? Same reason as Navel piercings, not everyone has the right anatomy. Your piercer should do an anatomy check before performing this piercing. Will you change my jewelry if it was done somewhere else? If you are looking for a new piercer, yes we will change your jewelry. If it is an emergency for example you are swelling excessively and need a longer post put in and your piercer isn’t contacting you back, yes we will. Will you change my healed piercing with jewelry I bought online? We prefer that you buy jewelry through our shop instead of bringing in jewelry from a store like Walmart or Body Candy. For reasons why, please view the Jewelry Section in this FAQ. Will you change my jewelry early if it’s causing me issues? Everyone’s anatomy is different so sometimes people swell more than others. If your jewelry is embedding itself into your skin or feels too tight, then yes we will change it out to a bigger size. Why does my piercing have a red bump on it? Is it a Keloid? This red bump is called an irritation bump, these can be caused by many things. Poor aftercare Constantly touching your piercingPierced at a bad angle Poor Quality Jewelry Keloids are a hard raised bump from scarring that forms overtime and doesn’t go away. Irritation bumps will go away. How do I get rid of an irritation bump? Take a clean cloth and soak it in hot water. Get it as hot as you can handle, DO NOT make it too hot where it hurts. This should feel soothing. Hold the cloth on the piercing till it cools down 3-4 times a day for a week or two. If the problem persists, contact us. What should I use for aftercare? Is “Alcohol, Bactine, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc” okay to put on a fresh piercing? ABSOLUTELY NOT. DO NOT use any of these on your piercing. If it is not in our aftercare instructions, you should not be applying it to your piercing. These products will only slow down the healing process and cause problems later on. Well “____” worked for my friend last time, why can’t I use it? Everyone’s skin is different. Just because one thing worked for someone doesn’t make it right or mean it will work for everyone. How do I know if my piercing is infected? Unless your piercing is hot to the touch, itching, or has green lymph coming out it isn’t infected. If you are still unsure, contact our shop. Should I go see a doctor about my piercing? Although we are educated on how to do piercings and take care of them properly we are not doctors. If you are having issues with your piercing, contact us and if you feel you should see a doctor then go see one. Will you pierce my “____ genital piercing” ? Everyone has different anatomy. Before booking an appointment for a genital piercing, your piercer may ask you to come in for a consultation to double check your anatomy will work for the piercing. When should I NOT get a piercing? Pre or Post Surgery (Talk to a doctor before contacting your piercer for an appointment) If you are pregnant or breastfeeding If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs If you are sick, please cancel your appointment! We will honor your deposit if you have one and please give us notice as soon as possible. Our first priority is the health and safety of our employees and clientele.
- Genital Piercings: Keep up on hygiene! You know your body, if you feel it is ready for sexual activity you may engage in it. Be gentle with this piercing during sexual activity while it is healing and when cleaning Even if you and your partner are monogamous, keep a barrier between you during sex! (Condoms, dental dams, etc) Exchange of bodily fluids can irritate the piercing. Do not use saliva as lubricant on fresh piercing, use water-based lubricant instead. Make sure to clean this piercing after sex! Healing time: Varies 1 month to 12 months. Being gentle with this piercing during the healing process is key to having it heal!
- Nipple Piercings:
- Sports bras are going to be your “breast friend” for the first 6 weeks, they help restrict unnecessary friction from happening Do not sleep directly on this piercing No “Adult time” with this area for the first 6 weeks After 6 weeks, make sure your partner cleans their hands/mouth before sex and do not be rough on the piercing! You must still baby this piercing. Avoid loofahs with this area! Healing Time: 6 months to a year. DO NOT change before at least six months.
- Navel Piercings:
- Do not lay directly on this piercing, it can cause it to migrate over timeAvoid using a loofah on this area since it can get caught DO NOT submerge this piercing in water. No bubble baths or swimming till it is healed
- Healing Time: 6 months to a year. DO NOT change before at least six months.
- Lip/Tongue Piercings:
- Lip Piercings heal from the outside in, so even though it may feel like it’s healed after a couple days it is not! Changing it too early can cause complications and the piercing to close. Sleeping with your head elevated the first couple nights will help swelling go down! Vertical Labrets, feeling a bit chapped? Avoid using chapstick on your fresh piercing. Instead a small amount of vitamin E oil will help add moisture back to your lips without irritating your fresh piercing! Healing Time: Tongues: 1-2 months total, REMEMBER to come in to downsize your jewelry after the first couple weeks. When you have had 4 days of absolutely no swelling, come in. Leaving in the initial jewelry can cause you to chip your teeth if the bar is too long. Lip Piercings:
- 3 months total, 4-6 weeks till change out. Wait full 3 months for hoops.
Nose Piercings:
Careful when cleaning the inside of your nostril. If it is not rinsed off properly it can cause irritation. It’s best to clean the outside with recommended aftercare & inside with water. SEPTUMS, avoid constantly flipping your jewelry up and down to hide it. This constant friction can irritate it. Healing Time: 3 months total. If you plan to switch to a hoop, wait 3 months to avoid an irritation bump from forming. Studs, 4-6 weeks.
Eyebrow & Bridge Piercings: Avoid sleeping directly on these piercings to avoid migration Healing Time: 3 months total, earliest change out 4-6 weeks.
What is “Basic Jewelry”? Basic Jewelry is our titanium posts, which are silver in color. Depending what part of the body is getting pierced, is what the jewelry will be for our basics that are included in the price for $35. Nostrils and Navels are the only ones that come with a colored gem for our “basic jewelry”.
I have sensitive skin, do you have jewelry that won’t irritate my skin? Yes! We use Titanium on all our clients. It is VERY rare for someone to have an allergy to Titanium since it doesn’t contain Nickel.
Can you pierce me with gold jewelry? Yes! If you order gold through us, we will pierce you with it. HOWEVER, if you have sensitive skin contrary to belief gold is not always better since for example if it’s 14k gold, that other percent may still contain nickel.
What if I don’t want basic jewelry, how much more will it cost? Price varies on what type of jewelry is chosen for the piercing. It can range anywhere from $10.60 more to $300 or more.
What kind of jewelry can I get? We go through multiple companies for high quality jewelry. If you are interested in viewing this Jewelry, please visit the links below. These companies can only be ordered from by a licensed Body Art Facility. more! If you don’t see something you like, contact Us.
How do I contact You about ordering jewelry?Find something you like or wanting something custom made? Send Us a photo of what you are looking to get or need a price on and she will send you an invoice to pay!
What’s an invoice? An invoice is a request for payment that we will send you by email.
Can I come in to pay to order? Absolutely! Contact Us to set up an appointment for a time to come in to pay.
Can I stop in to buy jewelry? Currently at this time since we are not walk in based, most of our jewelry is ordered in for customers. We do however carry some stuff in stock like basic hinged segment hoops, nostril L shaped pins, etc. If you’d like to see if we have something in stock that you need, contact Us.
What’s a Hinged Segment Hoop / Clicker? It’s a hoop or half circle that opens and clicks shut. Here are two examples, but there are many others. What’s a Seam Ring? This video does NOT belong to us. This video is by Jef Saunders a very well known piercer who hosts classes in our industry and posts videos to help clients learn how to change out their jewelry. This video explains it perfectly.
What is a threadless post? This video does NOT belong to us. This video is by Jef Saunders a very well known piercer who hosts classes in our industry and posts videos to help clients learn how to change out their jewelry. This video explains it perfectly.
“My Piercing is too big, can I get a smaller gauge?”First off, your jewelry is what you are referring to. The piercing is the hole that was made in your body that jewelry sits inside of. Second, gauge and diameter are two different things. Often when someone wants a “smaller gauge” they are referring to the WIDTH of the jewelry. Width = Diameter. Diameter is how long/wide your jewelry is. Gauge is the THICKNESS of the jewelry. If you would like a shorter post or smaller hoop, message us and we can help you.
“Why is the post so long/ hoop so big when it’s first pierced?” The post is long/the hoop is “big” because you need room for swelling. The fresh piercing needs space for swelling so it can breathe. When your jewelry is too tight it can embed itself into your skin or cause irritation bumps to form.
If I bring my own Jewelry will you pierce me with it? No, we will not pierce you with jewelry from outside of the shop. For multiple reasons. First off, it is not sanitary. Second, if it is made cheap it can melt in our autoclave. Third, if it’s cheap jewelry it can cause all kinds of issues that we refuse to be liable for.
I bought Jewelry from (i.e- Body Candy, Claire’s Walmart, etc) and now my ear is swollen and turning green. Why is this? This is a great example of why we stress to buy jewelry from a reputable shop. Cheap jewelry often contains nickel, which many people are allergic to. (Hence the swelling and irritation) It also is painted with colors to make the jewelry purple, green, etc. This cheap paint chips off and can stain the skin, making it turn green or black. When this cheap paint chips off it can also irritate your skin.
Why does it matter if I wear cheap jewelry vs. shop approved jewelry? If the information above didn’t already cover it, here’s a couple more fun facts. Just like the food we eat to take care of our bodies matter, the jewelry that we put in our skin matters. Not only that, but the better the quality of the jewelry the longer the jewelry will last. Also some of the companies that we order from have insurance that covers if any gems fall out over time.
My ball fell off, can you put it back on for me? Will it cost anything? If the ball or gem falls off within the first three days your piercing was installed we'll replace it for free. If it has fallen off after for example a month, there will be a charge.
What Gauge is my piercing? Navel (Belly Button) - 14g Nostril- 18g Nipple- 14g Lobe- 18g / 16g Outer Helix- 16g / 14g Forward Helix- 16g Daith- 16g / 14g Rook- 16g Conch- 14g Snug- 14g / 16gAnti Tragus- 16g Tragus- 16g
Genitals: Most are going to be 14g depending on the specific piercing. Contact the piercer for any questions.
What is the Diameter/Length of my piercing? Everyone’s anatomy is different. Some require longer posts than others because of swelling. Contact your piercer for these questions.
I have sensitive skin, do you have jewelry that won’t irritate my skin? Yes! We use Titanium on all our clients. It is VERY rare for someone to have an allergy to Titanium since it doesn’t contain Nickel.
Can you pierce me with gold jewelry? Yes! If you order gold through us, we will pierce you with it. HOWEVER, if you have sensitive skin contrary to belief gold is not always better since for example if it’s 14k gold, that other percent may still contain nickel.
What if I don’t want basic jewelry, how much more will it cost? Price varies on what type of jewelry is chosen for the piercing. It can range anywhere from $10.60 more to $300 or more.
What kind of jewelry can I get? We go through multiple companies for high quality jewelry. If you are interested in viewing this Jewelry, please visit the links below. These companies can only be ordered from by a licensed Body Art Facility. more! If you don’t see something you like, contact Us.
How do I contact You about ordering jewelry?Find something you like or wanting something custom made? Send Us a photo of what you are looking to get or need a price on and she will send you an invoice to pay!
What’s an invoice? An invoice is a request for payment that we will send you by email.
Can I come in to pay to order? Absolutely! Contact Us to set up an appointment for a time to come in to pay.
Can I stop in to buy jewelry? Currently at this time since we are not walk in based, most of our jewelry is ordered in for customers. We do however carry some stuff in stock like basic hinged segment hoops, nostril L shaped pins, etc. If you’d like to see if we have something in stock that you need, contact Us.
What’s a Hinged Segment Hoop / Clicker? It’s a hoop or half circle that opens and clicks shut. Here are two examples, but there are many others. What’s a Seam Ring? This video does NOT belong to us. This video is by Jef Saunders a very well known piercer who hosts classes in our industry and posts videos to help clients learn how to change out their jewelry. This video explains it perfectly.
What is a threadless post? This video does NOT belong to us. This video is by Jef Saunders a very well known piercer who hosts classes in our industry and posts videos to help clients learn how to change out their jewelry. This video explains it perfectly.
“My Piercing is too big, can I get a smaller gauge?”First off, your jewelry is what you are referring to. The piercing is the hole that was made in your body that jewelry sits inside of. Second, gauge and diameter are two different things. Often when someone wants a “smaller gauge” they are referring to the WIDTH of the jewelry. Width = Diameter. Diameter is how long/wide your jewelry is. Gauge is the THICKNESS of the jewelry. If you would like a shorter post or smaller hoop, message us and we can help you.
“Why is the post so long/ hoop so big when it’s first pierced?” The post is long/the hoop is “big” because you need room for swelling. The fresh piercing needs space for swelling so it can breathe. When your jewelry is too tight it can embed itself into your skin or cause irritation bumps to form.
If I bring my own Jewelry will you pierce me with it? No, we will not pierce you with jewelry from outside of the shop. For multiple reasons. First off, it is not sanitary. Second, if it is made cheap it can melt in our autoclave. Third, if it’s cheap jewelry it can cause all kinds of issues that we refuse to be liable for.
I bought Jewelry from (i.e- Body Candy, Claire’s Walmart, etc) and now my ear is swollen and turning green. Why is this? This is a great example of why we stress to buy jewelry from a reputable shop. Cheap jewelry often contains nickel, which many people are allergic to. (Hence the swelling and irritation) It also is painted with colors to make the jewelry purple, green, etc. This cheap paint chips off and can stain the skin, making it turn green or black. When this cheap paint chips off it can also irritate your skin.
Why does it matter if I wear cheap jewelry vs. shop approved jewelry? If the information above didn’t already cover it, here’s a couple more fun facts. Just like the food we eat to take care of our bodies matter, the jewelry that we put in our skin matters. Not only that, but the better the quality of the jewelry the longer the jewelry will last. Also some of the companies that we order from have insurance that covers if any gems fall out over time.
My ball fell off, can you put it back on for me? Will it cost anything? If the ball or gem falls off within the first three days your piercing was installed we'll replace it for free. If it has fallen off after for example a month, there will be a charge.
What Gauge is my piercing? Navel (Belly Button) - 14g Nostril- 18g Nipple- 14g Lobe- 18g / 16g Outer Helix- 16g / 14g Forward Helix- 16g Daith- 16g / 14g Rook- 16g Conch- 14g Snug- 14g / 16gAnti Tragus- 16g Tragus- 16g
Genitals: Most are going to be 14g depending on the specific piercing. Contact the piercer for any questions.
What is the Diameter/Length of my piercing? Everyone’s anatomy is different. Some require longer posts than others because of swelling. Contact your piercer for these questions.